The Secret Sits

Liz Barraza: Part One - Phantom Menace

John W. Dodson Season 3 Episode 14

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In the quaint suburb of Tomball, Texas, the idyllic life of Liz Barraza, a devoted member of the Star Wars 501st Legion and a beacon of light in her community, takes a harrowing turn. As morning breaks, a mysterious figure shatters the morning's tranquility, setting into action, a chilling sequence of events during preparations for a seemingly routine garage sale. In Part One: Phantom Menace, we explore the mysterious motives behind the targeted attack on Liz, the beloved cosplayer, wife, and lover of all things nerdy, and the subsequent ripple effect of grief and shock resinating through this tight-knit community.

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This is Liz Barraza: A Story in 2 Parts: This is Part One: Phantom Menace

[Underscore Music]

In a tranquil Texas neighborhood, a bewildering and chilling crime shattered the peace of an ordinary Friday morning, leaving investigators and online sleuths alike grappling with unanswered questions. 

[Theme Music Start]

We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows.

[Theme Music Play Out]

[Under Score Music]

In the quiet hamlet of Tomball, Texas, Elizabeth Barraza who went by Liz, was a 29-year-old with an infectious love for all things nerdy, Liz, lived on Cedar Walk Drive in the Princeton Place subdivision. Elizabeth and her husband, Sergio, had an amazing bond that everyone around them admired. The couple’s friends and coworkers were always wondering, "How do they do it?", they never heard so much as a peep about any problems between the couple. They were just living this sweet domestic life, and totally loving it. The couple’s life was like a work of art, with each day adding a new splash of color to their canvas of happiness. They had walked down the aisle just four years prior, in 2014, and together they purchased this spacious 2600-square-foot home on Cedar Walk Drive in April of 2016. The couple had not welcomed children into their lives, but their fur baby, a dachshund they had adopted while in college named Diesel, frequently made appearances in the photos they shared online.

Looking past your initial impressions, the Barraza family revealed a hidden world of intrigue. Behind their everyday facade, the couple were avid fans of both the Star Wars and Harry Potter franchises, and their shared passion for these things illuminated their relationship with an undeniable spark. They weren't just fans; they were devoted cosplayers, never missing a chance to attend events like Comic-Con or Mega-Con where the couple would transform themselves into the beloved characters from their favorite franchises. The couple were deeply involved in the local 501st Legion, for those of you with absolutely no Star Wars street credit, the 501st Legion is an organized group of Star Wars enthusiasts known for their charitable endeavors. I have worked with this volunteer group many times over the years and the 501st Legion describes itself with the following sentiment, "...The 501st Legion is an international costuming organization dedicated to celebrating STAR WARS™ through the creation and use of quality costumes that portray the villainous, morally ambiguous, or non-partisan characters from the STAR WARS™ universe. The Legion promotes interest in STAR WARS and facilitates the use of these costumes for STAR WARS-related events as well as contributes to the local community through costumed charity and volunteer work..."

Liz and Sergio, united by their shared passion, were both esteemed members of the 501st Legion's Star Garrison in the South Texas Squadron. Liz, in her commitment to this extraordinary community, had not one but two meticulously crafted and approved costumes – that of a Biker Scout and a Jawa, with her TKID proudly bearing the distinction of TB-93474. Liz also held a position of honor and responsibility on the command staff, serving as the dedicated Event Coordinator for The South Texas Squadron, a testament to her unwavering dedication to the organization she cherished.

As members of the 501st, Liz and Sergio were not just simply fans in costumes; they were heroes to sick children. They regularly visited children's hospitals, bringing a bit of a galaxy far, far away to brighten the days of young sick patients. Liz’s heartwarming interactions with these children led her to forge connections with organizations like the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the Peter Mayhew Foundation, both organizations that I have supported for many years, we will link to the organizations’ websites in our show notes.

On Thursday, January 24, 2019, Liz and Sergio eagerly planned for their upcoming garage sale set to take place on Friday, January 25, and Saturday, January 26. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the couple went around their neighborhood and strategically placed signs throughout the area to announce their eagerly anticipated garage sale, scheduled for Friday, the 25th, and continuing through Saturday, the 26th. The couple did not have their garage sale advertised in any publications.

[Music Change – Morning]

In the early morning darkness, at approximately 2:00 AM, a mysterious black Nissan Frontier silently glided past the Barraza home, a subtle presence picked up on the neighborhood's surveillance cameras. This event went unnoticed, like a mysterious whisper in the night.

As the sun began to cast its tentative rays across the land, at 6:08 AM, Liz embarked on her morning journey, craving the comfort of a coffee from the local Starbucks. Her absence from home, though seemingly routine, would soon play a crucial role in the unfolding drama.

Returning home at 6:16 AM, Liz's day took an unsuspected turn. The garage sale preparations commenced. She and Sergio worked in tandem, as if building the stage for a grand performance, arranging items on the driveway under the watchful eyes of several neighborhood security cameras.

At 6:47 AM, the same black Nissan Frontier reappeared, creeping into the neighborhood through Princeton Place Drive from Kuykendahl Road. It stopped momentarily in the Goddard School parking lot, shrouded in a cloak of secrecy. 

Just as Sergio left their home at 6:48 AM, headed to work in a white panel van, the Nissan Frontier seized the opportunity to disappear, moving to a different street, as if evading an unknown spotlight.

At 6:51 AM the shadowy Nissan Frontier resurfaced, like a character in a suspenseful movie, making its way back toward the Barraza home, leaving unanswered questions hanging in the early morning air.

[Music Change]

Mere minutes after Sergio's left for work, at 6:52 AM, the Nissan Frontier pickup truck, previously seen slowly circling the neighborhood like a predator stalking its prey, pulled up and parked across the street from the Barraza home. It was as though the mysterious driver had been biding their time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Or waiting on Sergio to leave for work.

[Music Change]

Meanwhile, Elizabeth had, had quite the busy morning, setting up a garage sale in her front yard and driveway. Elizabeth had a very specific purpose for the proceeds from this garage sale: an upcoming anniversary trip for the couple. Their fifth wedding anniversary was just on the horizon, just days away, and they had an enchanting journey planned to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, which is right in my backyard. The departure date was set for January 27th, a mere two days from that very moment.

[Music Change]

The driver of the sinister Nissan Frontier executed a meticulous 3-point turn on Cedar Walk, the truck’s engine rumbled ominously as it came to a halt directly behind Liz’s parked vehicle, the driver quickly emerging from the vehicle, shrouded in a jacket or robe, and they began slowly advancing towards the driveway where Liz was diligently still setting up for the garage sale. 

The tension in the air was palpable as the mysterious figure crossed the street. As the clock harshly ticked on from precisely 6:52:20 to 6:52:50 AM, a grim exchange occurred. Whether Liz recognized the vehicle, the person, or maybe simply felt an unexplainable dread, she took a hesitant step back as the stranger approached the top of the driveway. With her usual warmth, Liz, uttered a casual "Good Morning." The menacing figure responded, their conversation a mere six seconds long, but a sense of foreboding hung heavy in the air, for this stranger had not come empty-handed. From within the folds of their oversized garment, they drew a handgun, the metal glinting ominously in the morning light. And then the residents of this quiet street were roused from their sleep by a sequence of three quick gun shots, and then, a fourth, delivered point-blank as Liz crumpled to the unforgiving driveway. The entire incident unfolded with merciless speed, a mere thirty seconds etching terror into the tranquil morning.

The murderer's escape was just as abrupt as their arrival, they turned, sprinting back to the Nissan Frontier and vanished into the quiet streets.

[Music Change]

Amid the echoing horror, at 6:53 AM, Mr. D., a vigilant neighbor across the street, could not remain quiet. He made an urgent 911 call, having heard the four harrowing gunshots and witnessing the Frontier's hasty departure and return. The Dispatch responded one minute later.

At 6:55 AM, the Nissan Frontier made a chilling exit from the Princeton Place subdivision, but then suddenly executed a U-turn to reenter the neighborhood. The ominous black truck lingered in the vicinity, a harbinger of darkness, eventually passing back by the Barraza house at 6:55 AM, the truck was caught by the Barraza's doorbell camera, leaving behind an eerie, digital witness to the haunting crime that had unfolded in its view.

Meanwhile, at 6:58 AM, another next-door neighbor, Mrs. O., reached out to 911, also in distress. She had witnessed the unfolding tragedy, she saw someone lying in her neighbor's driveway, and she had heard the four gunshots which were still echoing in her ears. Mrs. O’s call coincided with the arrival of the first police on the scene. The quiet suburban street was transformed into a scene of chaos and terror within mere seconds.

At 6:58 AM, the Harris County Precinct 4 Constables arrived, ready to investigate and secure the scene, the morning now forever marred by the unfathomable tragedy.

Elizabeth's father, Robert Nuelle, recounted with a heavy heart, "Her suitcase for the anniversary trip was packed... She was ready to walk out the door." The anticipation of their magical adventure hung in the air, juxtaposed against the impending darkness that would soon shroud their lives.

In the somber, early hours of the morning, at 7:19 AM, Harris County Precinct 4 Constables stepped into Liz's home, they needed to clear and secure the residence. In their solemn task, they unintentionally triggered an alarm that Liz had set to respond instantly to any opened door, a measure she had taken for her own safety.

The dark Nissan truck that had played a malevolent role in this unfolding tragedy continued on its journey; its path was meticulously traced by several commercial surveillance cameras. Yet, it eventually vanished into an area devoid of surveillance cameras, leaving investigators with a chilling void in their quest for answers and their quest to locate this vehicle or its owner.

In the stillness of that same hour, a call was made to Liz's parents, Bob and Rosemary Nuelle. The alarm company informed them that an alarm had been triggered at their daughter’s home, but Liz remained unreachable. With heavy hearts, they immediately departed for their daughter's home, unaware of the shroud of uncertainty that awaited them.

[Music Change – Incoming helicopter]

Then, at 7:21 AM, the loud hum of Life Flight blades pierced the morning air, as the helicopter arrived to transport Liz to the Memorial Hermann hospital on Fannin Street. A Precinct 4 Constable, now acting as Liz’s guardian, accompanied her on this heart-wrenching journey.

At 7:37 AM, Rosemary and Bob Nuelle, arrived at the home, they arrived mere moments after Liz had been taken away via the Life Flight helicopter, they looked on, their faces were etched with concern and sorrow as they observed the growing police presence at their beloved daughter’s house. The unknown circumstances left them with a sinking feeling, a cloud of unease hung over them, together they had an intuitive understanding that the situation had taken a troubling turn.

Sergio Barraza returned home at 7:51 AM, his entire world upended by an undiscovered cruelty, as Sergio arrived at the house, he was immediately detained by Law Enforcement for questioning. This house, once their sanctuary, now bore the weight of uncertainty brought on by this strange attack on Liz.

At 8:02 AM, Rosemary and Bob left Liz's home, their destination the Memorial Hermann Downtown, where the heart of their family now lay in turmoil. Memorial Hermann just so happen to be the same hospital Liz had frequented as a volunteer with the 501st Legion, where she had dedicated herself to brightening the lives of sick children.

In the hours that followed, an intricate web of concern and care continued to unfold. Liz arrived at the Memorial Hermann Emergency Room, where a Precinct 4 Constable stood guard outside her treatment area, watching over her in silence.

Around 9:15 AM, Liz's brother, Robert, and his wife, Amanda, arrived at the hospital. They were soon joined by Bob and Rosemary, and together with a doctor, they huddled in a private waiting room, their hearts heavy with the weight of the unknown.

Next, Liz was transferred to the Shock Trauma ICU, where the watchful gaze of the Precinct 4 Constable remained, ever vigilant, until the arrival of Harris County Sheriff's Office Deputy Investigator Alfred Vera, who then took over the duty of watching over Liz Barraza’s ICU room.

As the morning sun cast its pallor, Liz's life hung in delicate balance within the confines of the STICU. The trauma department staff conducted their tests, maintaining her on life support, they had yet to give up on hope for recovery.

In the weighty hours of the afternoon, Sergio and his mother arrived at the STICU. It was then that the most challenging of decisions had to be made, as Sergio and Liz's father Bob began speaking with LifeGift, about the act of organ donation.

[Music Change – Poignant]

 The gift of organ donation is a sacred exchange, where one person’s final notes become the first chords of another's hopeful melody. It's a symphony of compassion, a silent sonnet of renewal, where the threads of humanity's tapestry are carefully rewoven with threads of grace and gratitude. In the act of giving, we discover the profound beauty of renewal, where the echoes of life resonate far beyond the final breath.

The next day, Saturday, as the clock approached noon, the trauma team finished their final neurological exams, ending a bittersweet chapter in Liz Barraza’s beautiful journey.

In the gentle embrace of the afternoon at 1:40 PM, a solemn pronouncement was made by the trauma team — Elizabeth Nuelle Barraza, once full of life, had now found peace. The mantle of her care was tenderly passed on to the compassionate hands of the LifeGift team, who embarked on their reverent mission to prepare Liz for the compassionate act of organ donation. 

[Music Change]

Through the following days, as the hours slipped into the early morning of Tuesday, January 29, 2019, a bedside vigil unfolded, where family members and dear friends stood as sentinels of love and remembrance in the hushed corridors of the Shock Trauma ICU department.

In the dark stillness of early Tuesday morning, around 3:00 AM, a team of healers, the Transplant team, arrived to take Liz on her final journey. Alongside her parents, brother, sister-in-law, her husband Sergio, his mother Margarita, and the gathered members of her immediate family, they walked with Liz down the hallway to the elevator. It was a procession of both sorrow and hope.

In the wake of this poignant moment, Liz’s remarkable generosity shone brightly, as her selfless gift would go on to save four lives and bestow the gift of sight upon another, an enduring legacy of love and compassion amidst the solemnity of her journey's end. At this point I just want to stop and say thank you to Liz Barraza for her organ donations as I believe her gifts prove Master Yoda to be true, “Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not, miss them do not.”

[Music Change]

The investigation into the tragic shooting of Liz Barraza was taken up with the utmost seriousness by the Harris County Sheriff's Office. Their initial response to the crime scene was swift and methodical, as they cordoned off the area around the Barraza residence, meticulously gathering evidence and conducting interviews.

Inside the home, Sergio Barraza, still reeling from the sudden and brutal loss of his precious wife, faced questions from investigators. The authorities left no stone unturned, as they began to explore the possibility that the perpetrator might have been someone known to the couple.

Addressing the media, Harris County Lt. Jeff Stauber conveyed the gravity of the situation, stating, "Our victim was laying in the driveway with multiple gunshot wounds. Looks very deliberate to me." The deliberate nature of the crime raised chilling questions about the motive behind the targeted attack.

Homicide detective Michael Richie, an integral part of the investigation, described the crime as swift, calculated, and chillingly cold-blooded. He voiced a belief shared by many in the law enforcement community, that more than one individual might have been involved in the planning and execution of the murder. Detective Richie also suggested that some individuals within the circle of acquaintances may have harbored suspicions about someone they knew being connected to the crime, heightening the air of mystery surrounding Liz’s murder.

The shockwaves of her tragic murder reverberated throughout the tight-knit community of Tomball. The fact that such a heinous crime had occurred in their peaceful suburb, and in her very own driveway as she prepared for a seemingly mundane garage sale, sent shivers down the spines of its residents. Liz was not the type of person to attract enemies, and this unsettling reality made everyone feel vulnerable, as though the safety of their own homes had been breached.

[Music Change – Solemn, Harry Potter style]

In a beautiful show of solidarity and to pay tribute to the beloved woman who had touched so many lives; friends, family members, coworkers, muggles, padawans and acquaintances gathered on the Barraza's front yard days after her passing. They gathered for a solemn vigil, each person raising either a Harry Potter wand or a Star Wars lightsaber to the night sky in her honor. It was a poignant and emotional moment that captured the essence of Liz’s impact on those fortunate enough to have known her. As one of Liz’s heroes, Albus Dumbledore stated, "Do not pity the dead. Pity the living and above all, those who live without love."

During the vigil, Liz’s father, Bob Nuelle, spoke of his daughter's lifelong mission to spread love and joy, even to strangers. His voice quivered with emotion as he shared, "My daughter, Liz, spent her life healing and spreading love and cheer to all of those around her, even total strangers." His words resonated deeply with those in attendance, serving as a reminder of the remarkable woman the world had lost.

In the days that followed, a press conference convened by Houston Crime Stoppers provided a platform for Liz’s father Bob and her husband, Sergio, to address the public. Though undoubtedly grieving, they stood strong, like jedi warriors, determined to seek justice for Liz and to ensure that her memory would endure. Sergio’s words would echo throughout the community, further cementing Liz’s place in the hearts of all who heard her story. 

Join us next week on The Secret Sits as we delve into this tragic murder scene and uncover all of the details and secrets about this case, until then “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret Sits in the middle and knows.”


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Harris County investigators confirm murder weapon used in 2019 Tomball woman’s murder. (2022, November 5). ABC13 Houston.

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What new doorbell video captured moments before Tomball woman’s murder in driveway. (2021, January 25). ABC13 Houston.

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Pelisek, C. (2020, July 30). After 18 Months, Police Still Seek Clues on Who Fatally Shot 'Star Wars' Fan at Her Own Garage Sale. Peoplemag.

Vigil held for “Star Wars” fan killed in front of her Tomball home. (2019, February 2). ABC13 Houston.

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